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作者:liupengfei    发布时间:2011-07-30    已浏览:1629次

一、管理实践(Mangement Practice)
1.       营业执照(Business Llcense)
2.       组织架构图(Organization Chart
3.       工厂工艺流程图/工厂平面图(Process Flow May/Plot Plan of Factory Compound)
4.       厂规厂纪/员工手册(Facility Regulations/Employee Manual)
5.       社会责任管理手册(CSR Management Maual)
6.       工会批文及活动,会议记录(Records on Union Metting and Activties)
二、人事档案(Personal Files)
7.       员工花名册(Name list for all emplyees with entrance date ,position,etc)
8.       所有员工履历表/求职审请表/身份证复印件或其它可以证明本人有效证件/照片(Personal Resume Application form/ID Copy or Other Official Age Document/photo of all employees)
9.       劳动合动/集体合同-如果适用(All empalyees labor contracts/Group Labor Contract-if applicable)
10.   未成年工登记表/未成年工体检记录(Juvenile Registration from and Physical Examiantion Record)
三、工资工时(Wages and Working hour)
11.   过去12个月工资表及相关记录(如:计件工人的产量记录)(Last12 months, Payroll and Related Wage Recods e.g .piece-rated worders, production capacity records)
12.   过去12个月考勤记录及请假记录(Last 12 months,Attendance Records and applications for leave )
13.   工资条(Pay Slip)
14.   社保凭证(Social Insursnce Lnvoice or other government documentations)
15.   有薪节假日凭证(婚假/年假/病假)(Docmentation for Paid Leave)
16.   政府最低工资标准文件(Uedated Local Minmum Wage Standard )
17.   政府关于其它工作时间许可证明文件(Other appoval or permission authorized by governmental on Woring Hours)
四、劳动安全 &职业卫生(Safety & Occupational Health)
18.   消防安全验收合格证(厂房和宿舍)(Accettance Certificate on Fire Control ,Including Prodction Buildings and Dormitory)
19.   消防安全员资格证(Firefighter Professional Qualification)
20.   消防及疏散演习记录(Emergency Measure  policy/Accident Recrords)
21.   事故应急措施/工伤记录(Emergency Measusre policy/Accident Records)
22.   卫生许可证(食堂)和从业人员健康证(Sanitation Certificate & Heaht Ceritificate)
23.   机器设备清单(Machieery List)
24.   特种设备操作员上岗证,年检记录和保养维修记录(叉车、电梯、锅炉、电工、珩车等)(Operation Certificafe for Special Equipments,eg ,forklift elevator boiler air comrpessor etc)
25.   室内空气质量测试,噪音测试,粉尘测试报告(Peports  of indoor air quality test noise test ,dust test )
26.   安全培训记录(Safety Training Records)
27.   急救员资格证和急救培训记录(First aiders Certificate ane Traiining Records)
28、排污许可证/有效垃圾回收协议(Dicharge Permit/Valid Waste Reclaim Records)
29、化学品清单和物质技术安全资料表(Chemical List & MSDS)